We left Massar on Saturday morning and took a side trip to Peche de Merle, some caves with prehistoric paintings. It was a cold wet day, but it didn’t matter, because it was just as cold underground.
The caves were fascinating, with lots of different paintings and stalactite/stalagmite formations. The surrounding countryside was interesting too, with roads cut out of the rock of the cliff side.
When we arrived at the house near Montague de Quercy around 4.00,our kind hosts, Phil and Sue, had left the heaters going on all afternoon. It was a cold day so the heaters helped a lot – the house was like a large farm house, big and airy (and a bit cold!).
The weather didn’t improve much for the whole week. We went to church on Sunday and listened to a Catholic service all in French. The kids decided they really like our church back home with its kids program!
We met a lovely couple and their teenage daughters at the church who were visiting from Bordeaux. We arranged to meet them for dinner in Bordeaux on the next Tuesday, so we took a day trip that day. Unfortunately we had an email to say they had had a death in the family and so we couldn’t visit them then, but we went anyway. We arrived in Bordeaux at the same time as the rain! We still loved the city, it looked lovely!
We wandered around, but a lot of the museums we visited were shut. We managed to get into the Museum of Antiquities …
..and then walked around until we found the place we wanted to go to for dinner, which like the museums was shut! We enjoyed the restaurant next door, even though the young New Zealand women who came out from it said it was cheap – the coffees were only 4 euro (we’re still use to only paying about 2 to 3 euros). They’d only been in Bordeaux one day, before that they’d been in Paris, so that must be saying something about the price of things in Paris, if 4euros is cheap! Oh oh, we still have Paris to come..
The rest of the week was pretty quiet, which was good to have a bit of a rest. We visited a few villages near to our house, but the highlight was having dinner at Phil and Sue’s! They have two huge dogs and live on a lovely property with a house that is rented out for huge amounts of money over the summer. They live in a cottage next to the holiday house (that sleeps 14 people) and they manage the property – Phil looks after the grounds, while Sue cooks all the meals for the guests.
We spent a really nice afternoon with them and enjoyed looking around the large house that is rented out, which was quite impressive.
(Visited 7/4/2012 – 14/4/2012)
Hey hows it going. How is everyone. Bet ya had a good laugh at pete running to get on the train. Bet he had a worried look on his face. Looks like you guys are seeing some amazing sites. Noticed danial and amy are keeping their blogs updated. All the best.