

Today we drove a two hour drive to get to our second house. After half an hour we met the lady who owns the house and she gave us the keys then we went to the butterfly park right next door. I really liked it, here are some photos of the butterflies we saw.

Wk2 Butterfly1

This butterfly is actually bright orange.

Wk2 Butterfly2

wk2 Butterfly3

This butterfly has a wing span of two adult hand spans and is more than one hand high. 

wk2 Butterfly4  

The butterfly park also had iguanas, birds, turtles, squirrels and fish.

I got right up next to these iguanas and they didn’t run away. They are so big – bigger than a metre.

wk2 Butterfly5  

The turtle.

wk2 Butterfly6  

A bird making a nest in the tree

wk2 Butterfly7

The squirrels

wk2 Butterfly8

The butterfly park was very beautiful and amazing. It was a real great experience. I am thankful the wonderful creatures God has made.

(Visited on Saturday 25th Feb 2012)