Today we went to a toy museum that I had been wishing to go to for a long time. When we were inside the first thing I spotted was the gift shop and a toy car that I have, selling for ten pounds (because it is a collectors item) and in the clean up in New Zealand I might of sold mine for 10 cents! All the toys in the museum were old toys, even older than Dad, amazing! I saw cars, figures, Maccano, castles, helicopters, trains and many more things. One of the best things here was a model boat set up. I really liked the toy museum.
The other part of the day that was toy stuff was the Lego shop (we don’t have those in NZ don’t ask me why). In the Lego shop we saw Lego super heroes, Lego architecture, pick your pieces and
…build your own Lego men. So I built my own 6 Lego men and Dad bought them all for my birthday. The Lego shop was amazing.
(Visisted Wednesday 6 June 2012)