Bordeaux is a big city about two and a half hours away. We arrived in the rain and went to the first museum which was shut. We decided to go to a cafe. Then coming to the second museum we found it shut for renovations. After a lot of walking in the rain we found the third museum shut as well. At last we came upon an open history museum. Getting dry we went inside. There were tons of spare heads and bones. There were mosaics, swords and statues. My favourite things were all the huge model boats
Back outside we followed a man’s instructions to go to a cafe but after walking for quarter of an hour we discovered that we had walked in the completely wrong way so we walked all the way back and further finding ourselves back where we parked our car! And guess what – the cafe was shut! So we went to the one next door and had a sort of toasty with bucket loads of cheese. After that we tried to find a toilet. By the time that was finished we were exhausted but I still persuaded dad to take me to the toy shop ( he only said yes because that was the first toy shop we had came across ). The toyshop took up the hole third floor of the shopping mall. Then of course we still had the long drive home.
Was it a Sunday that so many places were shut?Sounds like a fantastic toy shop. Sorry there are no photos of the model boats.