What we did on the way to Rocomadour
We stopped on the way in a little village. There we walked around looking in shops. Then we went to a bar after having a fuss about finding a toilet but because I am very polite I shall not talk any more about it. Any way, fast forward, at the bar I had a hot chocolate. Daniel had fizzy. Mum and Dad had their normal coffee.
At Rocomadour
This is a picture of the view we saw when we arrived
We went here: the church
Cool aye?
There were so many stairs to get to the stairs to get in the church and when we got to the stairs to get inside the church mum explained that prilgrims would walk up the stairs on their knees. Here are some photos of in the church:
These are the stairs they would have gone up on there knees
Nice to hear you are so ploite. Just a warning when you get near the leaning tower of Peazzer{sorry for my spelling} make sure you use a toilet before you get there. They are very expensive. Nice speaking to you yesterday you tell me so many funny and interesting things.