Today we went on a day trip to Ronda the city of the bull fight where bull fighting on foot originated. Pedro Romero is the father of bull fighting on foot – well it was actually his grandfather who when seeing the matador (star bull fighter) fell off his horse. The bull was gaining so Pedro’s grandfather jumped in to the ring and distracted the bull with his hat. The hat changed to a cape and bull fighting on foot was born. The first real fight was however done by Pedro Romero. When we were in the bull ring we took lots of photos.
After the bull ring we went to a bridge with a sheer droop – here are some photos:
I had a awesome day in Ronda.
(Visited on the 29/2/2012)
Hi Daniel, cool Blogg you are writing. I especially like the Bull fighting one. It has lots of detail. I am just wondering if you have actually seen a bull fight yet?
Having fun… From Ollie
Hi Ollie, I haven’t seen a bull fight yet. The bulll fights are usually only held from August to September and we won’t be in Spain then. I would like go to one but they sound mean to the animals. First they bring out the bull and men on horse back shoot arrows at its neck and shoulder to weaker the muscles and it is not a fun time for the horses because they have their vocal chords cut out so they don’t make lots of noise and they also have their ears stuffed so they can’t hear the crowds and the bull, and of course they kill the bull in the end. In some places they have banned bull flighting for these reasons. Bye for now, Daniel.
wow what an interesting looking place no wonder you took lots of photos. Nice to see Oliver making contact with you.