Today we went to see the dolphins. When we arrived at the beach I was sitting down and then Dad yelled he had seen one, then Amy and Mum but not me! Then all of a sudden I saw one surfacing and then another – we were seeing lots! I never thought I would see one, it was amazing. I soon identified the species, they were bottle nose dolphins (3.9m), not much to see in a zoo but to see them in the wild was amazing, incredible, extraordinary and every other descriptive word there is. The only problem there is is that I had wanted to see a seal, but then just as we were about to leave I saw a seal jump out of the water, then go in, then jump out, and go back in! That was so cool (I think it was a grey seal or maybe a harbour seal (harbour 1.9m grey 2.4m)).What an amazing time.
(Monday, 30/7/2012)